Advanced Analytics in the Commercial Pharmaceutical Industry

Regulatory provisions affect pharmaceutical companies and other healthcare businesses. Besides, competition and medical research trends are vital business considerations for pharma enterprises. These corporations want to optimize their growth strategies, and this post will describe how advanced analytics in the pharmaceutical industry can help them. 

Advanced Analytics in Pharma 

1| What Is Advanced Analytics? 

Advanced analytics solutions combine and refine the data analysis methods through machine learning (ML), neural networking, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing (NLP). Therefore, you can perform multivariate statistical modeling. 

Moreover, businesses utilize advanced analytical tools to enhance historical performance insights. Machine learning models allow them to automate many steps in insight discovery, data verification, transformation, and cleansing. 

For example, NLP modules can help pharmaceutical companies interpret the feedback from clinical trial volunteers in a more sophisticated manner. Also, advanced analytics solutions provide native compatibility with data visualization and interactive reporting tools. 

2| Scope of the Advanced Pharmaceuticals 

Pharma sector businesses primarily research, develop, test, commercialize, and patent unique medicinal drugs. Their advanced pharmaceuticals help physicians assist patients suffering from an illness or natural health decline resulting from aging. 

Vaccination research and development is also an important sector in the healthcare industry that relies on progress in pharmaceutical manufacturing and sample testing technologies. While advanced pharmaceuticals have populated the markets, generic and affordable medications are also becoming available in more regions. 

Individuals can use over the counter (OTC) medicines that do not require a licensed doctor’s prescription. A country’s food and drug regulations govern which medication materials are safe for self-administration through an approval process. So, medicines that pass their approval tests might become available as OTC drugs. 

Advanced pharmaceuticals are often crucial in telemedicine, urban health management, animal husbandry, sports, agriculture, population control, armed forces, and rehabilitation centers. 

3| Role of Advanced Analytics in Pharma 

Innovative chemical reactions are necessary for drug development. So, pharmaceutical corporations must rely on the international supply chain to acquire the chemicals for these reactions. However, multi-national supply dynamics are often volatile. So, advanced analytics solutions can guide pharma businesses in quantifying supply chain uncertainties or risks. 

Similarly, the pharmaceutical industry implements advanced analytics for trend discovery in clinical trial data to evaluate the efficiency of medicines concerning the patients’ recovery. Additionally, you can repurpose this insight extraction workflow to monitor and document the volunteers who exhibit side effects of drugs. 

Benefits and Use Cases of Advanced Analytics in the Pharmaceutical Industry 

1| Demand Forecasting 

Who uses your advanced pharmaceuticals to serve and support their stakeholders in fighting health issues? 

  1. Doctors, hospitals, and veterinary medics, 
  2. Nursing homes, orphanages, medical stores, 
  3. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 

However, these stakeholders also use other brands and generic medicines that affect your pharmacy sales. 

Such factors can result in incorrect demand projections. Therefore, a pharma business must perform multivariate demand estimations before initiating drug production. 

Advanced data analytics solutions in the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare services facilitate reliable demand prediction modeling. You can also utilize them to understand how a drug’s expiry date and shelf life influence the on-ground demand and usage. 

2| Clinical Trail Insights 

Developing a medicine involves referring to established research and international drug control standards. Still, you want to ensure the medication is safe for its intended use. So, your pharmaceutical firm can integrate advanced data analytics solutions to determine the following risk factors. 

  1. Allergic reactions can emerge in individuals who have reported that they don’t have any allergies. After all, some chemical elements in a drug cause such symptoms as a side-effect. 
  2. Medicines for childcare centers, NICUs (neonatal intensive care units), and pregnant women require special attention. They have a higher risk potential since the immunity system changes during pregnancy and childhood. 
  3. Clinical trial data can only be good if doctors and patients correctly identify unwanted outcomes in their reporting tasks. 
  4. Machine learning can also reveal hidden data patterns to increase clinical trial accuracy. 

3| Productivity Assessments 

Some chemical reactions are slow, but you can employ additional catalysts to accelerate them. Other techniques involve increasing or decreasing the temperature and pressure factors to influence the rate of chemical reactions. 

Advanced analytics can help you identify the pharmaceutical industry’s best production techniques that can help you manufacture drugs fast. Furthermore, pharma businesses can check employee productivity and machine efficiency through data analysis. 

Also, you want to learn about new supply chain opportunities. Different suppliers can reduce the time spent waiting for the shipment’s arrival at the docks or the airport. Insights also influence strategies for improving chemical plants, workforce mobilization, and supply chain systems. Ultimately, advanced analytics in pharma improves your operational efficiency. 

4| Pricing Optimization 

Generic medicines and OTC alternatives are in demand because branded drugs with better effectiveness metrics compete at higher price points. However, your pharma company must distinguish itself from the crowd by balancing generic medicine programs and advanced pharmaceuticals. 

Several regulations have already moved in this direction. So, pharma companies must partially disclose their medicinal research information to empower the generic and affordable medicine movement. So, your drugs must have a price tag that also considers the impact of these industry circumstances. 

After all, price determination and modification in the pharmaceutical industry are sensitive topics since human, animal, and plant lives rely on innovative clinical materials. Therefore, study these factors through advanced analytics solutions for your pharma business. 

Doing so helps you maintain the required profit margins for financial stability. 

5| Compliance Audits 

Some quality inspectors once failed to track the unsafe quantities of asbestos in a baby talc powder offered by an unethical organization. Imagine how many newborns had their skin exposed to asbestos irritations due to that talc power. 

Data-driven compliance management to integrate international and regional regulatory standards is vital for your enterprise and all its stakeholders. Besides, several pharmaceutical and cosmetics businesses propose new industry trends through advanced analytics for internal audits and total quality management (TQM). 

Advanced analytics can highlight production quality risks and compliance failures in the pharm and life sciences sectors. Later, your company can set up an inquiry panel. So, it will identify the person or equipment that causes the quality deficiencies in drug production. 

6| Patent Tracking for Advanced Pharmaceuticals 

Corporations understand the value of IPRs (intellectual property rights), and pharma companies are the same. The risk of formula theft is always a serious threat to firms in the pharmaceutical industry, but advanced analytics solutions support patent monitoring facilities. 

So, you and your team can monitor the changes in the international patent records. Eventually, you notice a potentially stolen patent or formula that jeopardizes your IPRs in advanced pharmaceuticals. You can approach the relevant judicial authority to prevent the exploitation of your registered patents. 

Preventing patent duplication efforts is vital since several businesses indulge in such unethical practices. Your pharma leadership must defend your IPRs from these rival corporations as fast as possible. 

7| Competitive Intelligence in the Pharma Industry 

Advanced analytics solutions help pharmaceutical organizations identify the most prominent competitors through external competitive intelligence. Also, you can build analytical models for internal competitive intelligence to manage business weaknesses strategically. 

Competitive intelligence (CI) facilitates comprehensive SWOT datasets, highlighting a business’s strong points and operational inefficiencies. Therefore, you can create CI databases for your company departments and competitors’ organizations. 

SWOT means strengths, weak business aspects, opportunities, and threats hindering a company’s growth. So, you can utilize CI to remedy weaknesses and surpass your business rivals. Additionally, you improve your company’s attractiveness as an efficient asset for pharma and healthcare investors. 

8| Marketing Progress Assessments 

Advanced pharmaceuticals have become available on e-commerce platforms for medicine and drug reviews. Think of Amazon, Flipkart, or Alibaba, but reimagine them as pharmacy-first online inventory systems. So, doctors, clinical stores, and patients using e-pharmacy sites can freely influence your drug sales. 

Consider the following e-commerce platforms, they help you understand the significance of advanced analytics solutions in marketing and sales concerning the pharmaceutical industry. 

  1. CVS Pharmacy is an online medicine marketplace that only US citizens can access. 
  2. UK Meds operates in the United Kingdom as an online  drug-prescription platform. 
  3. Zur Rose Group, a Swiss e-commerce supplier, focuses on pharmaceutical orders. 
  4. mPharma, a health startup in Ghana, has planned to serve African nations through Mutti Online Pharmacy. 
  5. Drogazil supports the pharmaceutical needs of Brazil’s population via web-based commerce. 

Therefore, your pharma business must monitor the trend of regional e-commerce platforms. Remember, these online marketplaces offer services in medicinal supply, inventory management, and virtualized clinical consultations. You can promote pharmaceuticals and other clinical substances internationally using multilingual marketing analytics strategies. 


The pharmaceutical industry conducts clinical trials and performs drug forecasting through advanced analytics solutions. Companies also identify business improvement opportunities to address manufacturing, supply chain, testing, marketing, and competitive considerations. 

Trend discovery helps your pharma enterprise, and its stakeholders increase the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) approvals. Marketing analysis and demand insights help you with commercial distribution. 

However, corporate governance has become complicated if you lead a pharma corporation. After all, social ethics demand that you support the generic medicine movement. However, business ethics compel you to safeguard a healthy profit margin to stay in business. Only a reputable analytics partner can guide you in this predicament. 

A leader in advanced analytics solutions, SG Analytics, equips pharmaceutical enterprises with industry trend forecasts, pricing optimization, and clinical trial insights. Contact us today to acquire analytical capabilities for successful drug development and extensive patent research. 

Also visit: Essential Predictive Analytics Techniques

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